One of most powerful verses in the Bible can be found in Psalm 90. This Psalm is often referred to as Moses’ prayer. Verse 12 of the Psalm states that “Teach us to make the most of our time so that we may grow in wisdom (NLT)” This verse tackles the issue of the finiteness of life. It recognises the importance of maximising life and the dangers of an unexamined life.
“The standard measurement of life is time.
The money metaphor is usually linked with time. We either spend time or invest it. Most people spend it and spend it wastefully. They squander time and hence waste their life. They assume that time is on their side. They believe that they have all the time in the world at their disposal. But every day that passes by is a day that you will not have back. This is the reason why you should value and appreciate time cos you don’t know when you will run out of it.
Moses prayed for the grace for himself and his followers to invest their time/life wisely. He was aware of how easy it was to waste one’s life in pursuit of the trivial rather than the important
Are you spending time/life or investing it?