I spoke to a friend on Saturday and he remarked that I haven’t blogged in a while. I agreed that I have been inconsistent this year so far. This is a result of not creating enough time to write but I am determined to get back on track from April. I have a plan.
The best way I tackle a year is to break it into quarters. Q1 (Jan, Feb and March) is almost done and I have only produced 4 posts including this one during this period. The advantage of breaking the year into quarters is that you don’t have to wait to the end of the year to measure progress. A quarter (90 days +) is long enough to implement a new goal and short enough to measure its progress. I am aiming for blogging consistency in Q2 (April, May and June).
I have set myself a target of producing 12 posts in Q2. This is one post per week. Goals without deadlines usually get sidelined. I have decided to have a weekly deadline for each post from April 1. I intend to publish a weekly blog post every Monday evening throughout Q2. This is a promise. Please feel free to hold me accountable (by contacting me to chastise me) if you fail to get a blog post in your email box or your RSS feed every Monday evening (UK time) in Q2.
I reviewed my previous blog posts during my blogging hiatus and realised that they can be categorised into four main themes: leadership, creativity, productivity and storytelling. I would be interested to know if there are other themes that you have noticed on this blog in addition to the mentioned four above.
See you next Monday.
3 replies on “Getting Back on Track”
Good have a SMART objective
Hey Prof,
I’m glad you’ve set some SMART goals for yourself, including a willingness to be ‘chastised’ if you fall short. But I’m wondering…aren’t you being a bit hard on yourself? I guess I’m just thinking that sometimes life gets in the way of our wanting to get back on track, and we need to allow life have its time, right?
Hmm…maybe I’m just protecting myself from putting unnecessary pressure on myself. I agree that one should be goal-oriented, but I hope it’s not at the expense of the other equally important aspects of our lives. I think it’s all about finding the right balance that enables greatest productivity.
Having said that..keep the articles coming, please! 🙂
The public Monday goal declaration has helped me a lot. I have been more productive and consistent because I know I have a weekly deadline and public chastisement if I don’t deliver. A little pressure does not hurt. I believe it also helps me plan ahead by striving to have a post in the pocket for periods when the ‘busyness’ of life attempts to disrupt my blogging rhythm.