
Content Worth Sharing #3

Image source: Hoffnungsschimmer {CC BY 2.0}
Image source: Hoffnungsschimmer {CC BY 2.0}

Five interesting things worth sharing this week:

(1) How to use Instagram to advance your career

The key, no matter who you are or what role you work in, is to mix and match between leisurely photos, which make you approachable and relatable, with images whose captions demonstrate knowledge of your industry.

(2) Is the art of oral storytelling dead?

Oral storytelling has a flexibility that reading a book does not, because telling a story is not governed by the text but by the relationship between the listener and the teller.

(3)  What happened when I gave up my smartphone for a week

The ability to let the mind wander is a natural freedom we are born with that modern technology seems to intent on stomping out with all the pings and notifications and distractions our smartphones bring us.

(4) Pixar inside out: What adland can learn from the storytelling masters

Pixar’s goal is to create a story that truly connects with the audience. This means the audience needs to empathise with the characters so they share their emotional journey.

(5) Trevor Noah’s hilarious and serious commentary on the 2016 Republican National Convention (RNC) – “Make America Fear Again.”

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