Five interesting things worth sharing this week:
(1) Brexit is a tragedy that reads like a satire
We urgently need to recognise that a huge mistake has been made. Meanwhile, let us remember that David Cameron came into politics to “make a difference”. He succeeded.
An enjoyable 99% invisible podcast story about a research study on creativity in the 1950s using architects as the subjects.
(3) Take it from a viral media star: Stop signing away your ideas
When you’re 22, you’re so excited to be doing adulthood “right” that you go full-steam ahead, regardless of the company’s policy. And some companies take advantage of that.
(4) How technology disrupted the truth
When a fact begins to resemble whatever you feel is true, it becomes very difficult for anyone to tell the difference between facts that are true and “facts” that are not!
(5) Can Netflix survive in the new world it created?
Reed Hastings (Netflix CEO) doesn’t have an office. “My office is my phone,” he says. “I found I was rarely using my cubicle, and I just had no need for it. It is better for me to be meeting people all around the building.